Wgu Academy Phone Number (2025)

1. WGU Academy

  • Addressing College Readiness

  • Learn more about the WGU Academy program helping learners to progress in their educational journeys.

2. Contact WGU

  • General Contact Information: ; WGU Academy 888-210-8880 ; WGU Labs https://wgulabs.org ; WGU Advancement 385-428-6900. Contact Us.

  • Contact WGU if you have questions or concerns.

3. WGU Academy serving South Jordan, UT | findhelp.org

4. WGU Academy: Login

  • New to WGU Academy? Create Account · Forgot Password? google logo Continue with Google. Contact. (385) 428-3112 (text or call).

  • edX, Open edX, and the edX and Open edX logos are registered trademarks of edX Inc.

5. WGU Academy - Organization

  • WGU Academy launched in April 2018 as a nonprofit arm of WGU. Believing in the worth and potential of every person, WGU Academy is committed to enabling ...

  • WGU Academy launched in April 2018 as a nonprofit arm of WGU. Believing in the worth and potential of every person, WGU Academy is committed to enabling academic and career
    opportunities for millions of students, regardless of their prior academic experience, through low-cost preparatory programs that combine rigorous curriculum and personalized noncognitive support to prepare each person for long-term success.

6. Western Governors University – Online College

  • Contact WGU · Admissions Overview · My WGU · About WGU

  • Western Governors University is an online university where you can earn an affordable, accredited, career-focused college degree at an accelerated pace.

7. Student Policies - WGU Academy

  • WGU Academy offers a guaranteed path to admission at WGU for only a limited number of programs as specified on the WGU Academy website. Course materials may ...

  • Prospective students seeking admission to WGU Academy must be no less than 16 years of age. Prospective students may not be incarcerated in a state or federal penal institution. Prospective students must also reside in the United States. Exceptions are made for U.S. active-duty military personnel and their families at overseas installations and individuals living in Guam, Puerto Rico, or the U.S. Virgin Islands.

8. Degree Restart | Online College Admissions | WGU

  • Partnering with WGU · Call WGU 866.225.5948 · Apply Now Request Info. Readmission ... WGU Code of Student Conduct; Administratively withdrawn for non-payment ...

  • Looking to return to Western Governors University? Take the next steps here.

9. Alicia Platt email address & phone number | WGU Academy ...

  • Get Alicia Platt's email address (a******@nafcc.org) and phone number () at RocketReach. Get 5 free searches.

10. Chris Lee email address & phone number - RocketReach

  • Chris Lee, based in Salt Lake City, UT, US, is currently a President, Wgu Academy at Western Governors University, bringing experience from previous roles ...

  • Get Chris Lee's email address (c******@wgu.edu) and phone number (801209....) at RocketReach. Get 5 free searches.

Wgu Academy Phone Number (2025)


How fast can you finish WGU Academy? ›

How quickly can I finish and enroll at WGU? That's up to you! It will depend on how much time you're able to dedicate to your coursework. It's very possible to finish your required WGU courses in as little as two to three months.

How do I contact WGU support? ›

Need assistance or have questions? Contact Student Services at 1-877-435-7948 x3104.

Are WGU Academy exams proctored? ›

WGU Academy final exams must be scheduled in advance. Proctoring is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Is it hard to get admitted to WGU? ›

The admission process is simple and straightforward. Complete admission form. Submit official transcripts through our free transcript service or independently. Fill out your FAFSA if you are interested in financial aid.

What is the success rate of WGU? ›

The official graduation rate of WGU is 51%. This is the percentage of students who completed their degree within 150% of the published time.

What is the average debt at WGU? ›

The average student loan debt for WGU undergraduates who borrowed for school and graduated between July 1, 2022, and June 30, 2023, was $15,218, with a median debt of $12,854.

Does WGU accept low GPA? ›

Applicants with a GPA lower than a 2.5 but a 2.0 or above may seek admission by submitting passing scores from the WGU program required basic skills test (e.g. Praxis CORE). An Enrollment Counselor can help you best determine whether you have the sufficient background for entry into your program of choice.

What is the acceptance rate at WGU? ›

In particular, you're curious about its acceptance rate and related information such as tuition and admission requirements. Western Governors University has an acceptance rate of around 100%.

How many times can you fail a test at WGU? ›

In addition to WGU's limit of four attempts, students' rights to retake assessments are determined by the procedures for that instrument. Students unsure of the effective policy should contact their mentor for clarification.

Are you allowed to go to the bathroom during a proctored exam? ›

You are allowed to use the restroom during your Onsite proctored exam but here are some considerations to keep in mind: You will not be allowed access to your personal belongings. The exam timer will continue to countdown while you are away.

Can online test proctors see your screen? ›

Everything they do will be shown on your screen and they cannot perform "hidden" actions. This access is only granted with your explicit permission and after you've clicked a button to confirm. Proctors have the ability to view the screen and utilize the mouse and keyboard as if they were sitting next to you.

What is a passing score at WGU? ›

Grading System Official Transcripts include six possible marks: y Pass: Certifies successful completion of a course of study. The student has demonstrated the required competencies by passing the final assessment with a grade equivalent of “B” or better or 3.00 grade points on a 4.00 scale.

What GPA do you need to get into WGU? ›

WGU does not require a minimum GPA or standardized test scores like the SAT or ACT for admission. However, during the application process, you'll need to complete an intake interview with an Enrollment Counselor to ensure that the program is a good fit for you and to assess your readiness for online learning.

How fast do people graduate from WGU? ›

On average, WGU students earn their bachelor's degree in two and a half years. The average total cost to earn a bachelor's degree at WGU is $20,025.

How fast can you finish a teaching degree at WGU? ›

Specific grade levels will vary depending on teaching certification in your state. Time: 64% of students finish within 24 months.

How long does it take to complete WGU? ›

The average time to complete a bachelor's degree with WGU is 2.5 years*, proving that WGU students are motivated and use the opportunity to control their speed to graduation. Just 2 years after graduation, WGU students report earning $22,2001 more per year, and $30,300 after 4 years.

How fast can you finish your masters at WGU? ›

Time: 60% of graduates can finish in 17 months. Tuition: $4,755 per 6-month term.

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Author: Delena Feil

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Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

Phone: +99513241752844

Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.