Master of Music (M.M.) Major in Music (Jazz Performance Concentration) (2024)

MU5113. Independent Study in Music.

Study of special interest that offers professional improvement and growth in the field of music. May be repeated with different emphasis for additional credit. Prerequisite: Consent of the graduate advisor.

1 Credit Hour. 1 Lecture Contact Hour. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MU5130A. Writing About Music.

Focusing on basic writing skills, research, and the use and documentation of sources. Course centers on the process of writing about music. Besides writtenexercises, the assignments include the study of such professional writing samples as concert reviews, program abstracts, and research essays. This course does not earn graduate degree credit. Prerequisite: Consent of the graduate music advisor.

1 Credit Hour. 1 Lecture Contact Hour. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Exclude from Graduate GPA|Leveling|Topics
Grade Mode: Leveling/Assistantships

MU5130B. Diction for Singers.

An in-depth study of the pronunciation of singing in Italian, German, English, and French incorporating the International Phonetic Alphabet through the use of lecture and laboratory sessions for practical application. This course does not earn graduate degree credit. Prerequisite: Consent of the graduate music advisor.

1 Credit Hour. 1 Lecture Contact Hour. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Exclude from Graduate GPA|Leveling|Topics
Grade Mode: Leveling/Assistantships

MU5135. Exploring 21st Century Music Education.

This course provides music education graduate students a general overview of current issues and questions in music education, techniques for building a better understanding of core issues, and necessary instruction/investigation for thesis/capstone project. Students leave this class with a general knowledge of many current topics and tools to further investigate topics of interest.

1 Credit Hour. 1 Lecture Contact Hour. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Exclude from 3-peat Processing
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MU5150. Exploring Twenty-first Century Music Education.

In this course, students will survey current issues and questions in music education while further developing a primary topic of interest for their thesis/capstone project. Topics will be driven by student interest and the discourse within the field but will be centered around: student-centered pedagogies (e.g., democratic education, culturally responsive pedagogy, popular music education, DEI, and social-emotional learning), performance/teacher anxiety (e.g., music performance anxiety, imposter phenomenon, and teacher self-efficacy), teacher experiences and burnout (e.g., early career teacher experiences, expert teacher tendencies, burnout in music education, finances, technology, administrative experiences, and competition), and writing specific content (e.g., refining APA style and.

1 Credit Hour. 1 Lecture Contact Hour. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MU5192. Graduate Recital.

A full-length, public recital in the appropriate applied music area. Should be taken simultaneously with a final semester of applied music instruction by those students in performance degree plans.

1 Credit Hour. 0 Lecture Contact Hours. 1 Lab Contact Hour.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MU5199B. Thesis.

This course represents a student’s continuing thesis enrollment. The student continues to enroll in this course until the thesis is submitted for binding. Cannot be taken unless a Thesis Proposal has been submitted. Students working toward the M.M. with thesis are expected to enroll in thesis each semester in which faculty supervision is received.

1 Credit Hour. 1 Lecture Contact Hour. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Credit/No Credit

MU5213. Independent Study in Music.

Study of special interest that offers professional improvement and growth in the field of music. May be repeated with different emphasis for additional credit. Prerequisite: Consent of the graduate advisor.

2 Credit Hours. 2 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MU5230A. Music Theory.

A study of the materials of counterpoint and harmony as evaluated through listening and analysis of literature, and application through composition. This course does not earn graduate degree credit. Prerequisite: Consent of the graduate music advisor.

2 Credit Hours. 2 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Exclude from Graduate GPA|Leveling|Topics
Grade Mode: Leveling/Assistantships

MU5230B. Aural Learning.

Development and application of theory concepts through singing, playing, and dictation. This course does not earn graduate degree credit. Prerequisite: Consentof the graduate music advisor.

2 Credit Hours. 2 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Exclude from Graduate GPA|Leveling|Topics
Grade Mode: Leveling/Assistantships

MU5235. Music Education Capstone.

This course allows for a wide overview of the field of music education, providing students with a broad scope to facilitate their thesis/capstone project. The course also creates space in the degree for discussions and readings related to the most recent issues and concerns of the field.

2 Credit Hours. 2 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MU5254. Piano Pedagogy I.

History, methods, and materials of piano pedagogy. Includes the application of technical and musical fundamentals to beginning levels of teaching. Prerequisites:Piano pedagogy or piano performance majors or instructor’s permission.

2 Credit Hours. 2 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MU5255. Piano Pedagogy II.

Advanced methods and materials of piano pedagogy. Includes the application of technical and musical fundamentals to intermediate and advanced levels ofteaching. Prerequisites: Piano Pedagogy I or instructor’s permission.

2 Credit Hours. 2 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MU5299B. Thesis.

This course represents a student’s continuing thesis enrollment. The student continues to enroll in this course until the thesis is submitted for binding. Cannot be taken unless a Thesis Proposal has been submitted. Students working toward the M.M. with thesis are expected to enroll in thesis each semester in which faculty supervision is received.

2 Credit Hours. 2 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Credit/No Credit

MU5301. Musicology Seminar in Contemporary Issues.

This course offers advanced immersion into current trends and literature in the field of musicology, centering a distinct issue and its related frameworks at each time of offering. Sample issues are Music, Gender, and Sexuality; Ecomusicology; Sound Studies; Methods, Methodologies and Frameworks; among others.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Exclude from 3-peat Processing
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MU5310. Music in the Baroque era.

This course is a study of diverse genres and repertoires from the 1600s to the early 1700s, with a focus on the Western world. The course scope includes current historiographic and analytical research perspectives, as well as relevant musicological perspectives intersecting with disciplines such as sociology, gender studies, aesthetics, and criticism.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MU5313. Independent Study in Music.

Study of special interest that offers professional improvement and growth in the field of music. May be repeated once with different emphasis for additional credit.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Exclude from 3-peat Processing
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MU5314. Music in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries.

In this course the students will study diverse genres and repertoires of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, with a focus on the Western world; course scope includes current historiographic and analytical research perspectives, as well as relevant musicological perspectives intersecting with disciplines such as sociology, gender studies, aesthetics, and criticism.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MU5315. Music in the Middle Ages and Renaissance.

In this course students will study diverse genres and repertoires from the 450s to the 1600s, with a focus on the Western world; course scope includes current historiographic and analytical research perspectives, as well as relevant musicological perspectives intersecting with disciplines such as sociology, gender studies, aesthetics, and criticism.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MU5316. Music and the Dramatic Arts.

This course covers diverse genres and repertoires in music and the dramatic arts, antiquities through the present, with a focus on the Western world. The course scope includes current historiographic and analytical research perspectives, as well as relevant musicological perspectives intersecting with such disciplines as sociology, gender studies, aesthetics, and criticism.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MU5317. Independent Study in Music.

Study of special interest that offers professional improvement and growth in the field of music. May be repeated once with different emphasis for additional credit.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Exclude from 3-peat Processing
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MU5318. Song Literature.

This course is an historical survey of the art song, emphasizing Western European and American repertories. Students will articulate stylistic differences within the art song repertory, use analytical methods appropriate for a variety of text settings, and develop greater proficiency at writing about music.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MU5320. Music in the Eighteenth Century.

In this course students will study diverse genres and repertoires in the eighteenth century, with a focus on the Western world; course scope includes current historiographic and analytical research perspectives, as well as relevant musicological perspectives intersecting with disciplines such as sociology, gender studies, aesthetics, and criticism.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MU5322. Advanced Instrumental Techniques.

Evaluation of teaching methods, materials, and literature of wind/percussion or string instruments. Students must have taken instrumental conducting in their undergraduate degree program.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MU5323. Vocal Music Education Methods.

Study of the anatomy of the human voice and evaluation of the scientific data and historical beliefs concerning voice pedagogy with emphasis in teaching voice in the class, private studio, as well as within a variety of choral settings.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MU5325. Research in Music Education I.

Examination of methodologies, techniques, and procedures for interpreting and conducting research in music education. Relevant studies in music education will be critiqued, with an emphasis on preparation of a research proposal.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MU5326. Research in Music Education II.

A continuation and culmination of a research project in the field of music education as developed and proposed in MU5325. Prerequisite: MU5325 with a grade of "B" or better.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MU5328. Foundations of Music Education.

The cognitive psychology, historical perspective, and philosophical issues that provide the basis for contemporary music education.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MU5329. Psychology of Music.

This course investigates the psychological foundations of music and examines interdisciplinary approaches to the study of music and the human experience. Topics will include music perception, physiological responses to music, music and the brain, musical attributes, music learning, music therapy, and the measurement of musical behavior.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MU5330A. History and Analysis of Music.

A comprehensive musicianship approach to the study of music from the earliest times to the present using techniques of stylistic and structural analysis. This course does not earn graduate degree credit. Prerequisite: Consent of the graduate music advisor.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Exclude from Graduate GPA|Leveling|Topics
Grade Mode: Leveling/Assistantships

MU5330B. Advanced Theory.

Principles of form and analysis, counterpoint, orchestration, and contemporary analytic techniques developed through in-depth study of musical repertoire. Thiscourse does not earn graduate degree credit. Prerequisite: Consent of the graduate music advisor.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Exclude from Graduate GPA|Leveling|Topics
Grade Mode: Leveling/Assistantships

MU5331. Vocal Pedagogy I: Voice Science.

This course explores the anatomy/physiology of the human voice, the acoustic properties that govern resonance, vocal health, and philosophy of singing and teaching. Co-requisites: MUSP5120 or MUSP5220 or MUSP5320 with a grade of "C" or better, or permission of the instructor.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MU5332. Vocal Pedagogy II: Methods.

This is a comparative study of various pedagogical methods and ideas, including historical and contemporary treatises. Students will explore exercises and vocalizes for general voice development, address and correct specific vocal problems, and engage in peer teaching. Prerequisite: MU5331 with a grade of "B" or better. Co-requisites: MUSP5120, MUSP5220, or MUSP5320, or permission of the instructor.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MU5333. Teaching and Learning in the Music Classroom.

In this course students will examine music content delivery, pedagogy (including lesson planning, instructional design, etc.), assessment, and other aspects of teaching and learning.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MU5334. Introduction to Graduate Study in Music.

Techniques and materials of research, emphasizing bibliography, library usage, collection, and interpretation of data.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Time Conflicts Permitted
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MU5337. Techniques of Contemporary Music.

This course surveys a cross-section of important technical innovations and developments in twentieth-century music, with special focus on music since 1945. Students will read documents outlining aesthetics, analyze music written in a variety of styles, write analytical papers, and using a variety of techniques, compose exercises. Enrollment requires a passing grade on the Graduate Music Theory Placement Exam or Instructor approval. Prerequisite: MU5357 with a grade of "B" or better.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MU5340. Music in the Nineteenth Century.

This course is a study of diverse genres and repertoires in the nineteenth century, with a focus on the Western world. The course scope includes current historiographic and analytical research perspectives, as well as relevant musicological perspectives intersecting with disciplines such as sociology, gender studies, aesthetics, and criticism.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MU5341. Jazz Perspectives.

In this course students will study diverse genres, repertoires, discographies, and stylistic trends associated with jazz, with a focus on the Americas. The course scope includes current historiographic and analytical research perspectives, as well as relevant musicological perspectives intersecting with disciplines such as sociology, gender studies, aesthetics, and criticism. (MULT).

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Multicultural Content
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MU5342. Jazz Pedagogy.

Jazz pedagogy is an in-depth study of the history, methodologies, resources, and techniques of jazz pedagogy and the development of jazz ensemble rehearsal skills.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MU5343. Jazz Improvisation.

This course is a detailed study of the evolution of melodic, harmonic, and rhythmic structures used by jazz improvisers and composers from the 1930s to present day.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MU5344. Jazz Arranging.

This course provides a comprehensive study of jazz composition, arranging, and improvisation theory, emphasizing writing for jazz ensembles using harmony, scales, and improvisation in a variety of styles, and providing necessary skills to be a successful jazz or commercial composer/arranger.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MU5345. Piano Literature I.

This course is designed to expand first-hand familiarity with the literature for the keyboard from the Baroque to Early Romantic era (Bach to Schumann). It will be divided into five chronological segments, discussing the major composers and their contemporaries. Ten composition genres will be discussed during the course.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MU5346. Piano Literature II.

This course is designed to expand first-hand familiarity with the literature for the piano, which will be divided into six chronological segments. These segments will discuss the most significant composers and their contemporaries in the 19th and 20th centuries and their major piano compositions.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MU5350. Musical Styles.

Developing a broader musical understanding through critical listening, technical analyses, and written assignments in various musical styles, including the lateclassical, romantic, and present eras. Prerequisite: MU5357 with a grade of "B" or better, or a passing grade on the Graduate Music Theory Placement Exam.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MU5351. Schenkerian Analysis.

An introduction to the techniques and methods of music analysis as developed by Heinrich Schenker (1868-1935). This course will cover reductive analysis, structural levels in tonal music, and graphing techniques. Prerequisite: MU5357 with a grade of “B” or better, or passing grade on music theory entrance exam.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MU5352. Foundations of Musicology.

This course is an introduction to the concepts, methodologies, and scholarly trends central to the discipline of musicology. Prerequisite: MU5334 with a grade of "B" or better.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MU5353. Ensemble Rehearsal Techniques.

Course is designed for performance ensemble conductors. Includes supervision, administration, and rehearsal techniques.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MU5355. Pedagogy of Music Theory.

Developing teaching methods and broader understanding through critical study of materials, organization, techniques, and problems of music theory and comprehensive musicianship courses.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Time Conflicts Permitted
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MU5357. Graduate Music Theory.

Graduate-level studies in music theory and aural skills. The course covers melody, harmony, counterpoint, form, as well as sight-singing, performing, and dictation. This course does not earn graduate degree credit. Consent of the graduate studies coordinator is required.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Exclude from Graduate GPA|Leveling
Grade Mode: Leveling/Assistantships

MU5358. Advanced Musicianship.

This course is designed to develop graduate-level skills in music sight reading, dictation, fundamental keyboard skills, and keyboard harmonization.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MU5359. Post-Tonal Music Analysis.

This course is the study and application of methodologies and terminology that are used to analyze post-tonal concert music of the 20th and 21st centuries. Prerequisite: MU5357 with a grade of "B" or better, or permission of instructor.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MU5360. Music in the United States.

This course is a study of genres and repertoires of the United States of America from the 1600s to the present. The course scope includes current historiographic and analytical research perspectives, as well as relevant musicological perspectives intersecting with disciplines such as sociology, gender studies, aesthetics, and criticism.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MU5361. Methods and Methodologies of Music Analysis.

This course will cover the examination of selected analytical techniques, methods and methodologies, critical approaches, or musical repertories, including semiotic analysis, computer-assisted music analysis, analysis of thematic processes, functional analysis, phrase structure analysis, as well as category and feature analysis. Prerequisite: MU5357 with a grade of "B" or better, or permission of instructor.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MU5362. Instrumental Pedagogy I.

This course explores instrument-specific pedagogy from the beginner through the advanced levels. Students will peruse instrument-specific pedagogical works, solo literature, and articles, and will complete a teaching assignment requiring them to implement pedagogical techniques, diagnose common performance problems, and suggest solutions. Co-requisites: MUSP5130 or MUSP5140 or MUSP5150 or MUSP5160 or MUSP5170 or MUSP5230 or MUSP5240 or MUSP5250 or MUSP5260 pr MUSP5270 or MUSP5330 or MUSP5340 or MUSP5350 or MUSP5360 or MUSP5370, or permission of the instructor.

3 Credit Hours. 1 Lecture Contact Hour. 2 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MU5363. Instrumental Pedagogy II: Teaching Internship.

This class provides students with supervised teaching experience. In this capstone course, students will apply pedagogical principles for instruction on their primary instrument in the private lesson setting. Their teaching will be monitored and evaluated by an applied professor throughout the semester. Prerequisite: MU5362 with a grade of "B" or better. Co-requisites: MUSP5130 or MUSP5140 or MUSP5150 or MUSP5160 or MUSP5170 or MUSP5230 or MUSP5240 or MUSP5250 or MUSP5260 pr MUSP5270 or MUSP5330 or MUSP5340 or MUSP5350 or MUSP5360 or MUSP5370, or permission of the instructor.

3 Credit Hours. 0 Lecture Contact Hours. 3 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MU5364. Intelligent Music Teaching.

This course focuses on fundamental philosophical principles of effective instrumental music instruction and includes application of those principles in teaching. Students will develop a realistic perspective of their strengths and weaknesses as a developing professional and will develop business skills necessary to create a successful private lesson studio.

3 Credit Hours. 2 Lecture Contact Hours. 1 Lab Contact Hour.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MU5365. Computing in Music.

Development of concepts and skills related to current computer technology in music. Exploration and use of computer software, MIDI, and other productivitytools for application to music education, music administration, music research, and music composition.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MU5366. Salsa Arranging.

Analysis and arranging music for a Salsa ensemble. Topics will cover instrument ranges, orchestration techniques, and styles. (MULT).

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Multicultural Content
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MU5367. Music in the Caribbean.

In this course students will study diverse genres and repertoires of the Caribbean from pre-colonization to the present, with a focus on the Hispanic Circum-Caribbean. The course scope includes current historiographic and analytical research perspectives, as well as relevant musicological perspectives intersecting with disciplines such as sociology, gender studies, aesthetics, and criticism. (MULT).

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Multicultural Content
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MU5368. Music in Mexico.

In this course students will study diverse genres and repertoires of Mexico and Mexican-American communities of the United States from pre-colonization to the present. The course scope includes current historiographic and analytical research perspectives, as well as relevant musicological perspectives intersecting with disciplines such as sociology, gender studies, aesthetics, and criticism.(MULT).

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Multicultural Content
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MU5369. History of Music in Latin America.

This course is a study of the musical panorama of Latin America; Pre-Columbian, colonial, folk, urban, academic, and transnational genres are introduced and discussed in historical, socio-political, and stylistic context. It also includes an introduction to the scope and methods of research in Latin American music studies. (MULT).

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Multicultural Content
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MU5371. Choral Literature I: Madrigal/Partsong.

This course is a comprehensive study of madrigals and partsongs from the canon of Western choral music.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MU5372. Choral Literature II: Oratorio and Other Secular Major Works.

This course is a comprehensive study of oratorios and other secular major works from the Western canon of choral repertoire.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MU5373. Choral Literature III: Liturgical Year - Motet, Anthem, Cantata.

This course is a comprehensive study of motets, anthems, cantatas, and other genres associated with the liturgical calendar and the Revised Common Lectionary from the canon of Western choral music.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MU5374. Choral Literature IV: Missa Brevis, Missa Solemnis, & Requiem.

This course is a comprehensive study of the Roman Catholic Mass and Requiem Liturgies as they have been set to music by composers associated with the Western canon of choral music.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MU5375O. Contemporary Discourse in Music Education.

This course entails an examination of topics from contemporary music education research. Students examine contemporary research and the potential for application in their future/current classrooms.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Exclude from 3-peat Processing|Topics
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MU5377. Innovation in Music Performance: Sound Lab.

This course is designed to engage students in listening and in sound creation/composition and to develop skills and the capacity for improvisation that will equip artists for readiness in evolving cultural and performance situations.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Exclude from 3-peat Processing
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MU5381. Inclusive Excellence in the Music Classroom.

This course prepares prospective and practicing music teachers to create an equitable, inclusive, and thriving classroom that meets the needs of all students by incorporating culturally responsive teaching, multicultural education, world music pedagogy, ethnomusicological perspectives, and by addressing the needs of students with exceptionalities.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MU5382. History of Music Education in the United States.

This course entails an examination of music education in the United States. The major historical developments and contemporary trends are explored.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MU5392. Introduction to Music Instruction in Higher Education.

This course provides techniques for Graduate Teaching/Instructional Assistants concerning selected problems in 1) the teaching of music in the classroom, private instruction and ensemble environments; and 2) the development of a career in field in higher education. This course does not earn graduate degree credit.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Graduate Assistantship|Exclude from Graduate GPA
Grade Mode: Leveling/Assistantships

MU5399A. Thesis.

This course represents a student’s initial thesis enrollment. No thesis credit is awarded until student has completed the thesis in Music 5399B. Students working toward the M.M. degree with a thesis are expected to enroll in thesis each semester in which faculty supervision is received.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Credit/No Credit

MU5399B. Thesis.

This course represents a student’s continuing thesis enrollment. The student continues to enroll in this course until the thesis is submitted for binding. Cannot be taken unless a Thesis Proposal has been submitted. Students working toward the M.M. with thesis are expected to enroll in thesis each semester in which faculty supervision is received.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Credit/No Credit

MU5599B. Thesis.

This course represents a student’s continuing thesis enrollment. The student continues to enroll in this course until the thesis is submitted for binding. Cannot be taken unless a Thesis Proposal has been submitted. Students working toward the M.M. with thesis are expected to enroll in thesis each semester in which faculty supervision is received.

5 Credit Hours. 5 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Credit/No Credit

MU5999B. Thesis.

This course represents a student’s continuing thesis enrollment. The student continues to enroll in this course until the thesis is submitted for binding. Cannot be taken unless a Thesis Proposal has been submitted. Students working toward the M.M. with thesis are expected to enroll in thesis each semester in which faculty supervision is received.

9 Credit Hours. 9 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Credit/No Credit

MUSE5101. Bobcat Basketball Band.

The Bobcat Basketball Band performs for all home men’s and women’s basketball games that do not fall over a university break. The group travels for all postseason tournaments. May be repeated for credit.

1 Credit Hour. 0 Lecture Contact Hours. 4 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Exclude from 3-peat Processing
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MUSE5102. Salsa Del Rio.

Performing ensemble specializing in Latin and South American music. May be repeated for credit.

1 Credit Hour. 0 Lecture Contact Hours. 6 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MUSE5103. Mariachi Nueva Generación.

This course is a performing ensemble specializing in Mexican folk music.

1 Credit Hour. 0 Lecture Contact Hours. 6 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Exclude from 3-peat Processing
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MUSE5104. Panorama Steel Drum Band.

A performing ensemble specializing in Caribbean steel drum band music. May be repeated for credit.

1 Credit Hour. 0 Lecture Contact Hours. 6 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MUSE5105. VocaLibre.

A select vocal ensemble specializing in chamber music, including madrigal or jazz literature. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Enrollment in major choral ensemble.

1 Credit Hour. 0 Lecture Contact Hours. 6 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MUSE5106. Opera Workshop.

Opera Workshop is a skills-based class designed for developing opera singers to learn and apply skills that prepare them for professional performance.

1 Credit Hour. 0 Lecture Contact Hours. 9 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Exclude from 3-peat Processing
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MUSE5107. Opera Theatre.

Students will learn and perform operatic roles, chamber opera pieces, or one-act operas. Concurrent enrollment in Applied Voice is recommended. Prerequisite: MUSE5106 with a grade of "B" or better.

1 Credit Hour. 0 Lecture Contact Hours. 9 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Exclude from 3-peat Processing
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MUSE5108. Orquesta del Rio.

Performing ensemble specializing in Latin and South American music. May be repeatable for credit. (MULT).

1 Credit Hour. 0 Lecture Contact Hours. 6 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Exclude from 3-peat Processing|Lab Required|Multicultural Content
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MUSE5109. Opera Production.

This course is designed for students to participate as performers in a full opera production or in the production of opera scenes. It will also prepare students for future professional opera performance engagements. Concurrent enrollment in Applied Voice is recommended. Prerequisite: MUSE5106 with a grade of "C" or better.

1 Credit Hour. 0 Lecture Contact Hours. 9 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Exclude from 3-peat Processing
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MUSE5122. Aurora Voce – Auditioned Treble Voice Choir.

Aurora Voce is a highly selective chamber chorale ensemble that is open by audition to all treble singers across campus. Performing in this ensemble provides the singers opportunities to explore high quality and challenging repertoire that spans across a wide variety of styles, historical periods, and genres.

1 Credit Hour. 0 Lecture Contact Hours. 6 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Exclude from 3-peat Processing
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MUSE5123. Concert Band.

This ensemble provides playing experiences for non-music majors and music majors who want to improve their skills and serve as a lab ensemble for conducting students. May be repeated for credit.

1 Credit Hour. 0 Lecture Contact Hours. 6 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MUSE5124. Women's Choir.

Performing ensemble specializing in choral literature for women’s voices. May be repeated for credit.

1 Credit Hour. 6 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MUSE5125. Men's Choir.

Performing ensemble specializing in choral literature for men’s voices. May be repeated for credit.

1 Credit Hour. 0 Lecture Contact Hours. 6 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MUSE5126. Chamber Music.

Small group performing ensembles focusing on chamber literature of mixed and similar instrumental music. May be repeated for credit.

1 Credit Hour. 0 Lecture Contact Hours. 4 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MUSE5127. Jazz Combo.

A small performance ensemble designed to develop improvisational skills and individual musical creativity through performance of standard jazz literature. May be repeated for credit.

1 Credit Hour. 0 Lecture Contact Hours. 4 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MUSE5128. Conducting Seminar.

A seminar based course focusing on conducting technique, musicality, score reading, literature and performance in the conducting area, and rehearsal preparation with special emphasis on analysis and musical styles. May be repeated for additional credit. Prerequisite: Conducting Major or permission by the instructor.

1 Credit Hour. 1 Lecture Contact Hour. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MUSE5129. Afro-Caribbean Lab.

This course is an experimental ensemble of flexible size and instrumentation that specializes in advanced arranging, performance, and improvisation involving Afro-Caribbean styles and rhythms. An audition is required for placement in this ensemble. (MULT).

1 Credit Hour. 0 Lecture Contact Hours. 2 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Exclude from 3-peat Processing|Multicultural Content
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MUSE5130. Wind Symphony.

Major instrumental ensemble comprised of the most outstanding wind and percussion students who are selected by audition. The group is dedicated to the performance of the finest wind repertoire, whether a contemporary works for winds, or transcriptions from the orchestral repertoire. May be repeated for credit.

1 Credit Hour. 0 Lecture Contact Hours. 9 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MUSE5131. Symphonic Winds.

Major instrumental ensemble consisting primarily of music majors and talented non-music majors. This ensemble performs a broad range of full ensemblerepertoire, representative of all historical periods and styles. May be repeated for credit.

1 Credit Hour. 0 Lecture Contact Hours. 6 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MUSE5140. Texas State Chorale.

Auditioned major choral ensemble specializing in performances of literature from the Renaissance and 20th Century. May be repeated for credit.

1 Credit Hour. 0 Lecture Contact Hours. 9 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MUSE5141. University Singers.

Major choral ensemble that performs a variety of literature, including masterworks from the 17th Century to the present. May be repeated for credit.

1 Credit Hour. 0 Lecture Contact Hours. 6 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MUSE5150. Texas State Symphony Orchestra.

A full symphony orchestra that performs standard orchestra literature, as well as oratorio, concerto, and opera accompaniments. May be repeated for credit.

1 Credit Hour. 0 Lecture Contact Hours. 9 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Exclude from 3-peat Processing
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MUSE5160. Jazz Ensemble.

The jazz-based ensemble performs advanced arrangements of contemporary popular music in various styles. May be repeated for credit.

1 Credit Hour. 0 Lecture Contact Hours. 9 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MUSE5161. Jazz Orchestra.

The jazz-based ensemble performs intermediate arrangements of contemporary popular music in various styles. May be repeated for credit.

1 Credit Hour. 0 Lecture Contact Hours. 6 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MUSE5162. Jazz Lab Band.

The jazz-based ensemble performs beginning arrangements of contemporary popular music in various styles. May be repeated for credit.

1 Credit Hour. 0 Lecture Contact Hours. 6 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MUSE5170. Accompanying.

A coaching seminar for pianists to develop reading and accompanying skills. May be repeated for credit.

1 Credit Hour. 0 Lecture Contact Hours. 4 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MUSE5180. Mysterium for Contemporary Music Ensemble.

An ensemble course focusing on the performance and analysis of contemporary music in all styles and media. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Music (Composition Specialization) major status.

1 Credit Hour. 0 Lecture Contact Hours. 4 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Exclude from 3-peat Processing
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MUSE5190. Guitar Ensemble.

Chamber guitar ensemble designed to provide interaction with fellow guitarists, develop musicianship as an ensemble performer, and to familiarize the student with music from different periods through a variety of literature. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Music (Guitar Performance Specialization) major status.

1 Credit Hour. 0 Lecture Contact Hours. 6 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MUSP5100. Mariachi Lince de Oro.

This course provides learning opportunities for students interested in an introduction to the mariachi genre. Traditional mariachi repertoire is distributed, rehearsed, memorized, and performed.

1 Credit Hour. 0 Lecture Contact Hours. 3 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Exclude from 3-peat Processing
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MUSP5101. Graduate Recital.

A full-length, public recital in the appropriate applied music area. Should be taken simultaneously with a final semester of applied music instruction by those students in performance degree plans.

1 Credit Hour. 0 Lecture Contact Hours. 1 Lab Contact Hour.
Course Attribute(s): Exclude from 3-peat Processing
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MUSP5120. Applied Voice.

Through supervised private coaching, instruction focuses on technique, musicality, literature, and performance in the vocal area. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Music major status or consent of instructor.

1 Credit Hour. 1 Lecture Contact Hour. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MUSP5127. Applied Conducting.

Through supervised private coaching, instruction focuses on baton technique, musicality, score reading, literature and performance in the conducting area, andrehearsal preparation with special emphasis on analysis and musical styles. May be repeated for additional credit. Prerequisite: Conducting Major or consent of the instructor.

1 Credit Hour. 1 Lecture Contact Hour. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MUSP5130. Applied Keyboard.

Through supervised private coaching, instruction focuses on technique, musicality, literature, and performance in the keyboard area. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Music major status or consent of instructor.

1 Credit Hour. 1 Lecture Contact Hour. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MUSP5140. Applied Woodwind.

Through supervised private coaching, instruction focuses on technique, musicality, literature, and performance in the woodwind area. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Music major status or consent of instructor.

1 Credit Hour. 1 Lecture Contact Hour. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Exclude from 3-peat Processing
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MUSP5150. Applied Brass.

Through supervised private coaching, instruction focuses on technique, musicality, literature, and performance in the brass area. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Music major status or consent of instructor.

1 Credit Hour. 1 Lecture Contact Hour. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Exclude from 3-peat Processing
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MUSP5160. Applied String.

Through supervised private coaching, instruction focuses on technique, musicality, literature, and performance in the string area. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Music major status or consent of instructor.

1 Credit Hour. 1 Lecture Contact Hour. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MUSP5164. Mariachi Melodia Techniques.

This course provides students with the fundamentals of playing and teaching the melodic instruments associated with the Mariachi ensemble, with specific emphasis on the voice, violin, and trumpet. Topics will cover history, tuning, and stylistic techniques associated with each instrument. This course is repeatable for credit three times. (MULT).

1 Credit Hour. 1 Lecture Contact Hour. 2 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Exclude from 3-peat Processing|Multicultural Content
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MUSP5165. Mariachi Armonia Techniques.

This course provides students with the fundamentals of playing and teaching the rhythm/harmony instruments in the Mariachi ensemble, with specific emphasis in the guitarrón, vihuela/guitar, and the harp. Topics will cover history, tuning, strumming, and stylistic techniques specific to each instrument. This course is repeatable for credit three times. (MULT).

1 Credit Hour. 1 Lecture Contact Hour. 2 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Multicultural Content
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MUSP5166. Latin Music Methods.

This course provides students with knowledge that is essential to become effective directors of Mariachi and Salsa ensembles. Instruments, styles, repertory, and resources that are related to these ensembles will be discussed. (MULT).

1 Credit Hour. 2 Lecture Contact Hours. 1 Lab Contact Hour.
Course Attribute(s): Exclude from 3-peat Processing|Multicultural Content
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MUSP5170. Applied Percussion.

Through supervised private coaching, instruction focuses on technique, musicality, literature, and performance in the percussion area. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Music major status or consent of instructor.

1 Credit Hour. 1 Lecture Contact Hour. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MUSP5175. Afro-Cuban Hand Drumming.

The fundamentals of playing and teaching Afro- Cuban Drums. Topics will cover history and knowledge of styles of the various Afro-Cuban percussion instruments. (MULT).

1 Credit Hour. 1 Lecture Contact Hour. 2 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Exclude from 3-peat Processing|Multicultural Content
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MUSP5180. Applied Composition.

Through supervised private coaching, instruction focuses on technique, musicality, literature, and performance in the composition area. May be repeated for credit.

1 Credit Hour. 1 Lecture Contact Hour. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Exclude from 3-peat Processing
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MUSP5185. Electronic Music Composition.

Introduction to recording and tape manipulation techniques of music concrete, electro-acoustical music techniques involving digital and analog synthesizers, and the MIDI environment. May be repeated for credit.

1 Credit Hour. 0 Lecture Contact Hours. 1 Lab Contact Hour.
Course Attribute(s): Exclude from 3-peat Processing
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MUSP5220. Applied Voice.

Through supervised private coaching, instruction focuses on technique, musicality, literature, and performance in the vocal area. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Music major status or consent of instructor.

2 Credit Hours. 2 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MUSP5227. Applied Conducting.

Through supervised private coaching, instruction focuses on baton technique, musicality, score reading, literature and performance in the conducting area, andrehearsal preparation with special emphasis on analysis and musical styles. May be repeated for additional credit. Prerequisite: Conducting Major or consent of the instructor.

2 Credit Hours. 2 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MUSP5230. Applied Keyboard.

In this course students will participate in supervised private coaching and instruction that focuses on technique, musicality, literature, and performance in the keyboard area. Prerequisite: Music major status or consent of instructor.

2 Credit Hours. 2 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Exclude from 3-peat Processing
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MUSP5240. Applied Woodwind.

Through supervised private coaching, instruction focuses on technique, musicality, literature, and performance in the woodwind area. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Music major status or consent of instructor.

2 Credit Hours. 2 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Exclude from 3-peat Processing
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MUSP5250. Applied Brass.

Through supervised private coaching, instruction focuses on technique, musicality, literature, and performance in the brass area. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Music major status or consent of instructor.

2 Credit Hours. 2 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Exclude from 3-peat Processing
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MUSP5260. Applied String.

Through supervised private coaching, instruction focuses on technique, musicality, literature, and performance in the string area. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Music major status or consent of instructor.

2 Credit Hours. 2 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MUSP5270. Applied Percussion.

Through supervised private coaching, instruction focuses on technique, musicality, literature, and performance in the percussion area. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Music major status or consent of instructor.

2 Credit Hours. 2 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MUSP5280. Applied Composition.

Through supervised private coaching, instruction focuses on technique, musicality, literature, and performance in the composition area. May be repeated for credit.

2 Credit Hours. 2 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Exclude from 3-peat Processing
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MUSP5285. Electronic Music Composition.

Introduction to recording and tape manipulation techniques of music concrete, electro-acoustical music techniques involving digital and analog synthesizers, and the MIDI environment. May be repeated for credit.

2 Credit Hours. 0 Lecture Contact Hours. 2 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Exclude from 3-peat Processing
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MUSP5320. Applied Voice.

Through supervised private coaching, instruction focuses on technique, musicality, literature, and performance in the vocal area. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Music major status or consent of instructor.

3 Credit Hours. 2 Lecture Contact Hours. 1 Lab Contact Hour.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MUSP5327. Applied Conducting.

Through supervised private coaching, instruction focuses on baton technique, musicality, score reading, literature and performance in the conducting area, andrehearsal preparation with special emphasis on analysis and musical styles. May be repeated for additional credit. Prerequisite: Conducting Major or consent of the instructor.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MUSP5330. Applied Keyboard.

Through supervised private coaching, instruction focuses on technique, musicality, literature, and performance in the keyboard area. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Music major status or consent of instructor.

3 Credit Hours. 2 Lecture Contact Hours. 1 Lab Contact Hour.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MUSP5337. Advanced Conducting.

Music performance class designed for further development of baton technique, score reading, and rehearsal preparation with special emphasis on analysis and musical styles. May be repeated once with different emphasis for additional credit.

3 Credit Hours. 3 Lecture Contact Hours. 0 Lab Contact Hours.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MUSP5340. Applied Woodwind.

Through supervised private coaching, instruction focuses on technique, musicality, literature, and performance in the woodwind area. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Music major status or consent of instructor.

3 Credit Hours. 2 Lecture Contact Hours. 1 Lab Contact Hour.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MUSP5350. Applied Brass.

Through supervised private coaching, instruction focuses on technique, musicality, literature, and performance in the brass area. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Music major status or consent of instructor.

3 Credit Hours. 2 Lecture Contact Hours. 1 Lab Contact Hour.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MUSP5360. Applied String.

Through supervised private coaching, instruction focuses on technique, musicality, literature, and performance in the string area. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Music major status or consent of instructor.

3 Credit Hours. 2 Lecture Contact Hours. 1 Lab Contact Hour.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MUSP5370. Applied Percussion.

Through supervised private coaching, instruction focuses on technique, musicality, literature, and performance in the percussion area. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: Music major status or consent of instructor.

3 Credit Hours. 2 Lecture Contact Hours. 1 Lab Contact Hour.
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MUSP5380. Applied Composition.

Through supervised private coaching, instruction focuses on technique, musicality, literature, and performance in the composition area. May be repeated for credit.

3 Credit Hours. 2 Lecture Contact Hours. 1 Lab Contact Hour.
Course Attribute(s): Exclude from 3-peat Processing
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

MUSP5385. Electronic Music Composition.

Introduction to recording and tape manipulation techniques of music concrete, electro-acoustical music techniques involving digital and analog synthesizers, and the MIDI environment. May be repeated for credit.

3 Credit Hours. 0 Lecture Contact Hours. 3 Lab Contact Hours.
Course Attribute(s): Exclude from 3-peat Processing
Grade Mode: Standard Letter

Master of Music (M.M.) Major in Music (Jazz Performance Concentration) (2024)
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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.