How to Beat Masakado Boss Fight | Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT V)|Game8 (2025)

How to Beat Masakado Boss Fight | Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT V)|Game8 (1)

Masakado is a new Canon of Creation exclusive boss in Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT V). Learn where to find Masakado, as well as its stats, weaknesses, battle rewards, and the best demons to use against Masakado!

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Tehom Satan
Masakado Guides
Boss Guide Masakado Fusion and Stats Guide

List of Contents

  • Stats and Weakness
  • What to Do Before
  • How to Beat
  • Best Demons
  • Battle Rewards
  • Related Guides

Masakado Stats and Weakness

Boss Information

Boss Level 99
Race Wargod
Recommended Level to Beat At Least Level 99
Quest Appearance The Guardian of Tokyo

Masakado Stats











Masakado Weaknesses and Resistances

Weaknesses and Resistances
How to Beat Masakado Boss Fight | Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT V)|Game8 (3)How to Beat Masakado Boss Fight | Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT V)|Game8 (4)How to Beat Masakado Boss Fight | Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT V)|Game8 (5)How to Beat Masakado Boss Fight | Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT V)|Game8 (6)How to Beat Masakado Boss Fight | Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT V)|Game8 (7)How to Beat Masakado Boss Fight | Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT V)|Game8 (8)How to Beat Masakado Boss Fight | Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT V)|Game8 (9)

Masakado Status Ailment Resistances


Masakado Skills

Skill Description
Recalcitrant Execution (Unique) Severe Strength-based Almight attack to all foes. Greater effect if Critical
Diarama Moderate HP recovery to 1 ally
Critical Zealot Increases Critical damage, but normal damage decreases
Murderous Glee Greatly increases Critical Rate
Dragon Eye Greatly raises Accuracy
Freikugel Severe Strength-based Almight attack to 1 foe. High chance of landing Critical hits.
Brave Blade Heavy Physical attack to 1 foe. High chance of landing Critical hits.
Fire Dracostrike Medium Strength-based Fire attack to 1 foe.
Scarlet Blade Innate Skill:Increases Critical Rate and damage of Critical hits based on the number of active effect on user.
Omagatoki: Critical Magatsuhi Skill: All attacks, including magical attacks, will become Critical hits for all allies for 1 turn.

List of Skills and Effects

What to Do Before Fighting Masakado

Satan Preperation

How to Beat Masakado Boss Fight | Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT V)|Game8 (10)Prepare a dedicated buffer and debuffer

How to Beat Masakado Boss Fight | Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT V)|Game8 (11)Prepare strong demons for firepower

How to Beat Masakado Boss Fight | Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT V)|Game8 (12)Have Enduring Soul and Whittled Goat ready

How to Beat Masakado Boss Fight | Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT V)|Game8 (13)Use Balms, Sutras, and Incenses

How to Beat Masakado Boss Fight | Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT V)|Game8 (14)Have your items ready

Prepare a dedicated buffer and debuffer demon

During the battle against Masakado, you will need buffs and debuffs to withstand Masakado's attack. Make sure to bring demons that can learn skills such as Luster Candy and Debilitate. We highly recommend Cleopatra or Beelzebub for the role.

Prepare strong demons for firepower

Masakado is a very tanky boss with a lot of HP so you will need demons that can output damage more than how much he can heal with Diarama. Make sure to put their respective Pleroma and High Pleroma sklills in their kit.

Have Enduring Soul and a Whittled Goat ready

Masakado outputs very strong attacks during the fight. Since either you or your demons will definitely be defeated, you will need to have Enduring Soul or a Whittled Goat to have a safety net from moves that can oneshot you during the long battle.

Use Balms, Sutras, and Incenses

To increase your chance of outputting a lot of damage as well as surviving damage, use all the balms, sutras and incenses you get throughout the game on yourself and your demons. Don't be afraid to skimp on it since this is one of the toughest fight in the game.

Have your items ready

Since this is a long fight, we recommend having a variety of MP and HP-restoring items. This is a test of endurance so make sure to stock up on all your restorative items as well as Balms of Life and Purge or Dispel Charms to aid you in your fight.

How to Beat Masakado

Masakado Strategy

How to Beat Masakado Boss Fight | Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT V)|Game8 (15)Prioritize buffing and debuffing Masakado

How to Beat Masakado Boss Fight | Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT V)|Game8 (16)Output at least 2000 damage every turn

How to Beat Masakado Boss Fight | Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT V)|Game8 (17)Cover all your weaknesses against Masakado

How to Beat Masakado Boss Fight | Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT V)|Game8 (18)Guard against Masakado if he gathers Magatsuhi

Prioritize buffing and debuffing Masakado

Since Masakado has a lot of HP, buffing your team and debuffing Masakado is your best strategy to output the most damage against him while making sure you and your team survives his attacks. Use Luster Candy and Debilitate to maximize your damage output.

Output at least 2000 damage every turn

Masakado uses Diarama every turn, recovering around 2000 to 6000 HP. Make sure to deal more than 2000 damage against him every turn to overwrite the healing he does.

Cover all your weaknesses against Masakado

How to Beat Masakado Boss Fight | Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT V)|Game8 (19)

Although Masakado only lists Almighty, Physical and Fire as his only moves, but we've found that he uses other attacks not listed in our skill list. Be cautious and eliminate all your weaknesses before battling Masakado to ensure a good victory.

Guard against Masakado if he gathers Magatsuhi

When Masakado starts to gather Magatsuhi or when he goes below 50% HP and starts using Recalcitrant Execution, make sure to guard on your party to prevent him from oneshotting you with his attacks. He hits hard with Almighty so make sure to cover your bases and be safe.

Best Demons to Use Against Masakado

Recommended Demons

How to Beat Masakado Boss Fight | Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT V)|Game8 (20)Konohana Sakuya

How to Beat Masakado Boss Fight | Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT V)|Game8 (21)Beelzebub

How to Beat Masakado Boss Fight | Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT V)|Game8 (22)Nuwa (Transformed)

How to Beat Masakado Boss Fight | Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT V)|Game8 (23)Shiva

Konohana Sakuya

Konohana Sakuya is the best healer in the game with her unique skill, Sakura Sakuya, that can heal HP and MP along with a Luster Candy to top it off, all in one skill. Add in Bowl of Hygieia to increase her HP recovery as well as Heal Pleroma and High Heal Pleroma and she's an invaluable ally to your team.


Beelzebub will be your main debuffer due to his innate skill, Biondetta, which increases how much your debuffs do to enemies when there are no Herald, Megami, Femme, or Lady demons in the active party. With Konohana Sakuya as your Kunitsu healer demon, he can fully take advantage of this to make his Debilitate more potent. Add in Boon Boost and Boon Boost EX for even more effective debuffing

Nuwa (Transformed)

Nuwa (Transformed) is a fantastic Force damage dealer with her unique skill, Sacrifice of Clay, which is a heavy Force attack that can lower the Attack and Defense of Masakado by 1 rank for 3 turns. With Force Pleroma and High Force Pleroma, she's a great addition to your team for good damage.


Shiva is your other option for a strong damage dealer. Tandava is an hard-hitting Almighty skill that can lower Masakado's Defense to the lowest rank for three turns.

Masakado Battle Rewards

Masakado EXP, Macca, and Drops

Image Here
Macca -
Drops Destruction Sutra

SMTV: Vengeance Guides

Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance Related Guides

How to Beat Masakado Boss Fight | Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT V)|Game8 (24)
Boss Battle Guides | List of Bosses

All Boss Types

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SMTV: Vengeance Story Bosses

SMTV: Vengeance Story Boss Guides
Glasya-Labolas Naamah
Eisheth Yuzuru and Hayataro
Agrat Beelzebub
The Four Qadistu Zeus and Odin
Abdiel and Ichiro Tiamat

Story Bosses

Story Boss Guides
Hydra Eligor
Nuwa Lahmu (1st Fight)
Loup-garou Fionn mac Cumhaill
Lahmu (2nd Fight) Shohei Yakumo
Surt Ishtar
Chernobog Arioch
Abdiel Odin
Zeus Vasuki
Metatron Tsukuyomi
Nuwa Abdiel
Lucifer Lucifer (Secret Ending)

Optional Bosses

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Pazuzu Anahita
King Frost Thunderbird
Loki Belphegor
Moloch Amanozako
Camael Abaddon
Arahabaki Khonsu
Fionn mac Cumhaill (2nd Fight) Baal
Huang Long Asura and Mithras
Amon Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel
Belial Michael
Inanna Danu
Maria Khonsu Ra
Zeus (2nd Fight) -

Optional Mini-Bosses

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The Kunitsukami Futsunushi
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Punishing Foes

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DLC Bosses

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Mephisto Matador
Daisoujou Hell Biker
White Rider Red Rider
Black Rider Pale Rider
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Vengeance Optional Boss Guides
Shiva Demi-Fiend
How to Beat Masakado Boss Fight | Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT V)|Game8 (124)Masakado Satan
How to Beat Masakado Boss Fight | Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT V)|Game8 (2025)


How to Beat Masakado Boss Fight | Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance (SMT V)|Game8? ›

Since Masakado has a lot of HP, buffing your team and debuffing Masakado is your best strategy to output the most damage against him while making sure you and your team survives his attacks. Use Luster Candy and Debilitate to maximize your damage output.

What is the hardest boss in SMT 5? ›

Demi-fiend is considered the hardest boss in Shin Megami Tensei 5 Vengeance, as he can pretty much kill all your Demons.

Who is the final boss in smtv? ›

Final Boss: Lucifer

After a long and difficult fight, you can take a breather and enjoy the final cutscene. Congratulations, you've beaten Shin Megami Tensei V!

What is Apsaras weak to SMT 5? ›

Apsaras has been nerfed a bit, as she now has a weakness to Fire. When itemized with an Electric Chair, Apsaras now yields the Media Skill Card. During a fusion alarm, Apsaras will yield the Diarama Skill Card instead.

How to defeat matador smt 5? ›

He's weak to Electric (Zio) damage, Immune to Force (Zan) damage, and resists Hama and Mudo. He also resists a spread of status ailments, though you can still inflict these conditions since he's not full immunities. While Electric damage is your best option here, Physical attackers are perfectly viable too.

Who is the hardest final boss in SMT? ›

Here are some of the hardest bosses in mainline Shin Megami Tensei, not including spin-off series like Persona or Devil Survivor.
  • 8 Minotaur.
  • 7 Matador.
  • 6 Metatron.
  • 5 Vishnu-Flynn.
  • 4 Shekinah.
  • 3 YHVH.
  • 2 Shiva.
  • 1 Lucifer.
Jul 4, 2024

What is the hardest final boss ever? ›

Lucifer from Shin Megami Tensei nocturne is the undisputed hardest boss in gaming if you take the magic build challenge. Nameless Puppe,, Took me a WEEK to beat, hardest boss in any souls Bourne game. I'd put Infected Broodmother in Grounded on the list. Even on easy difficulty she's ridiculous.

Who is the god in smt v? ›

YHVH, also known as Yehowah, Yahweh or God, is an important figure and demon in the Shin Megami Tensei series as well as in other spin-off games. He is often seen as a firm and lawful, if not ruthless, figure who holds little empathy towards humanity.

Is the SMT V protagonist a girl? ›

The protagonist of Shin Megami Tensei V, mainly referred to as the Nahobino (ナホビノ * )?, is a young male high school student living within the city of Tokyo.

How many hours does it take to beat SMT V? ›

When focusing on the main objectives, Shin Megami Tensei V is about 45½ Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 96½ Hours to obtain 100% completion.

What is the strongest demon in SMT 5? ›

Shiva has the highest Strength stat and max HP out of all the recruitable demons.

What level should you be for Matador? ›

Top Voted Answer. I don't think grinding past 17-20 is necessary at all to win against Matador, but he is pretty challenging. Get yourself access to the skills Rakukaja and Dekaja and get the Hifumi magatama to be immune to wind damage.

How do you beat Oni in SMT 5? ›

Oni is only resistant to Physical attacks but is not against any other element. This means that players should avoid wasting actions of their turn attacking this threat with basic attacks or Physical skills. However, Oni is weak to both Electric and Light-type skills.

What is the hardest difficulty in SMT 5? ›

SMT 5 offers four difficulty settings: Safety, Casual, Normal, and Hard, catering to various player experience levels. Safety Mode is the easiest, designed for story-focused players, while Hard Mode is for committed veterans, with no mid-game difficulty changes.

What is the hardest boss in p5? ›

  1. 1 The Reaper.
  2. 2 Great Father. ...
  3. 3 Lavenza. ...
  4. 4 Masayoshi Shido. Shido's Many Different Forms Make His Fight Long And Very Challenging. ...
  5. 5 Contrarian King. The Contrarian King Can Deal An Absurd Amount Of Damage With His Rampage Skill. ...
  6. 6 Kunikazu Okumura. Okumura Throws Waves Of Enemies At The Player While A Timer Ticks Down. ...
Jan 24, 2024

What is the highest level in Shin Megami 5? ›

What Is The Max Level In Shin Megami Tensei 5: Vengeance. The new max level was upped from 99 in the original game, to 150 in Vengeance.

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