As soon as you enter the Demon Ruins you will find a bonfire in front of you, rest to create a new checkpoint and then head down the hill, when you reach the bottom you will see that the entire area is covered with lava, turn to face the way you came and on your left down a path you will see a fog gate, make your way over to it and enter to face the next boss
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There are two different ways you can go about defeating this boss, you can either battle him and win legitimately or you can bait the creature into pretty much killing itself, granting you an easy victory.
Above is a video showing you how to kill the boss using a little exploit, for those of you that like a challenge though walk through the area where you will eventually find the boss however he will remain docile for now unless you attack and provoke it, instead continue around the bend until you come to a dead end with a corpse on an altar, pillage it and you will collect the Gold-Hemmed Black Set as soon as you have picked the set up Ceaseless will begin its assault. If you head out onto the cliff face and stay within melee range you will have a much easier time. Ceaseless Discharge uses the following attack patterns -
- Fire Blast attack (only used from a great distance) shouldn't be a problem if you stay in melee range
- Tentacle swipe attack
- Double tentacle swipe followed by a slam attack
- Stabs the ground in front of it multiple times with tentacles
- Single slam attack after which tentacles will sit on the cliff for a small amount of time
The method to use here is to try to guard/dodge all of the bosses attacks while waiting for it to perform the single slam attack after which it leaves its tentacles open for attack, then it does wield your weapon with two hands and attack as much as you can until it withdraws and repeat the process. If going for this method I recommend using some armour with a solid stability rating such as Stone armour or something similar as well as the Cloranthy Ring and just try to defend and tank most of its attacks until you get your opening, the boss doesn't have a lot of health and should be felled within 5-10 minutes rewarding you with the usual Humanity and Homeward Bone as well as 20,000 souls for your efforts (sadly people tend to take the easy way so videos of a legit fight are tough to find, I plan to record my own in the near future).
After the death of Ceaseless you will see a small clip showing all of the lava being drained from the lower areas, return to the bonfire if you need to and prepare, you should also become Human if you want to face Kirk of Thorns again as he will invade you in the next area. When you are ready to go, head to the bottom of the hill to continue deeper into the ruins.
As you head down into the area all the lava was drained from you will see a large group of Minor Taurus Demons, ignore for now and instead go to the right making your way across (it should be obvious that you should avoid walking in the lava, at least for now). As you head over collect the Soul of a Proud Knight from a corpse and continue until you face a Minor Capra Demon. Both this and the Minor Taurus Demon are simply weaker versions of the bosses you faced earlier in the game, they have the same attack patterns and should be quite easy to kill.
Continue and head down to the area the Capra was guarding and walk along the ledge down to another area with more Capra Demons waiting, when you almost reach the bottom of the slope Kirk of Thorns will invade you (if you are Human of course) turn around and head back up the slope to find him coming for you. Kirks attacks are pretty much the same and he has around 1,000HP, once you defeat him he will drop the Spiked Shield. Head back and go through the gauntlet of Capra Demons, if you need to, wear your Ring of Fog and use a bow to try and lure them so you can face them one on one to make it a bit easier.
When all the Capra are dead go down the set of stairs you should see at the end of the path, at the bottom on your right will be a Demonic Statue an easy but annoying enemy that should die in one or two hits, just rush and attack them quickly when you find them and they shouldn't give you any bother.
After you have killed the statue, turn to your right and walk along the wall to find a large bug coming out of it, this Burrowing Rockworm is guarding a bonfire hidden just under it, while they are normally a bit stronger this one is a bit weak so you can either use a couple Pyromancy blasts or just run up and hit it with a couple two-handed attacks and it should die, rest at the bonfire when you can to create a new checkpoint.
When you are ready to go again, collect the Soul of a Proud Knight just next to the bonfire then head back to where you fought your first Demonic Statue. Kill it again and the collect another Soul of a Proud Knight on the ledge to your right, when that's done head down the next set of stairs, killing the four more Demonic Statues on the way. At the base of the stairs a Rockworm will emerge from the ground on your right, ignore it and turn to your left and follow the path to a Minor Taurus Demon, these guys are fairly slow and their attacks easy to avoid/guard if you have high stability but be careful on these narrow paths as they can easily push you off with an attack or even as they turn themselves around to try face you by nudging you over the edge. When you've killed the Taurus continue along and kill another, try to roll past this one so you can fight it on more solid ground and make it a bit less risky for yourself. Once the second Taurus is defeated sprint down the path towards the chest at the end, as you head down Rockworms will come out to attack you from the ceiling, just avoid them and keep making your way to the chest at the end, once you reach it you can collect the Large Flame Ember. You now have a choice, you can either try to fight your way through all the Rockworms or you can use a Homeward Bone or similar method to warp back to the bonfire, personally I prefer to warp but it's up to you, whatever you decide to do head back to the bottom of the stairs again (if you do fight the Rockworms try your best to avoid their acid spray attack as this causes your equipment to lose durability and break).
At the base of the stairs run straight ahead of you (avoid the Rockworm) and take down the Taurus guarding the doorway, when it's dead turn right and kill another Capra and pick up the Soul of a Brave Warrior. Head up the small stairs now and kill the two Demonic Statues then head inside and pass through the fog door to face the next boss -
You shouldn't really need a lot of instruction here. As you can see it is just another cut/paste of the Asylum/Stray Demon from the Undead Asylum area, simply use the same tactics you would have defeating the other two, just try your best to avoid getting pinned up against the walls or into a corner as he will kill you easily using its slam attack.
When you defeat the boss you will receive 20,000 souls as well as Humanity and the Demon's Catalyst (Checklist Weapon 23/50).
Head out into the next room where you will see you have the option of either going up or down some stairs, for now head up, killing all the Demonic Statues along the way. near the top you will come to a group of three statues huddled together, lure the first two out and kill them individually then kill the last of the group and collect the Soul of a Brave Warrior they were guarding. From there head up another set of stairs to find a platform, stand in the centre to ride an elevator up and create a shortcut back to Quelaag's Domain just next to the Chaos Princess bonfire. For the next bit you should ensure you are now Rank 2 with the Chaos Servant Covenant, this will require 30 Humanity offerings (it may also help to rejoin if you have abandoned it as it can cause issues if you are not in the Covenant), when you have done so, head back down the elevator and back to where you fought the Firesage.
Head towards the doorway out into the Demonic Ruins and turn left at the hole in the wall where the tree roots are coming from. Head down the slope and onto the left-side ledge and follow it until you come to another tree root that acts as a path to lead you safely down to the ground below, head forwards and down some stairs, at the bottom you will seemingly come to a dead end with some Chaos Bugs around the place, kill them all as they do give you some useful drops occasionally in the form of Red Titanite Chunks and Sunlight Medals (used to raise level in Warriors of Sunlight Covenant). When all the bugs are dead walk up to the wall and interact with it, if you have followed my instructions so far it should open a new pathway for you, opening a shortcut to the Lost Izalith area however that is not what we are here for. On the other side of the wall will be more Chaos Bugs, specifically though we are after one with large red eyes, to be safe kill them all, you will know if you have found the right one as it will drop the Sunlight Maggot headpiece, this is a key step into completing Solaire's questline, when you are done warp/walk back to the Firesage boss room and now head down the set of stairs to find another bonfire.
Ahead will be another boss fight, I would suggest becoming Human at the current bonfire so that you may summon some help from Solaire as it will make the next boss much quicker/easier, when you are ready proceed down the tree root, at the base just to the left will be the summon sign for Solaire if you chose to become Human, summon him and head through the fog door to face the..
With Solaire by your side, simply wait and the Centipede Demon will eventually come to you, just guard its lunge attacks and it will jump onto the piece of land you are standing on where it will focus most of, if not all of its attacks on Solaire, use this to your advantage and two-hand your weapon attacking the Demon relentlessly. Every now and then the Demon will use a grabbing attack on Solaire, during this time it will be immune to attacks so use this as an opportunity to heal or buff up if you need to then finish the boss off.
When it has been defeated you will receive 40,000 souls, the Orange Charred Ring and for having Solaire tag along you should get a Sunlight Medal. The Orange Charred Ring is an item we will make a lot of use of as it vastly reduces the amount of damage you take from walking in lava, for now head back up to the bonfire then warp to the Chaos Servant room again.
Now that we have the Orange Charred Ring and its protection from lava, head into the Demon Ruins and over to that area from early infested with Taurus Demons, use your Ring of Fog ad bow to defeat them all one by one as facing two or more at a time is not really a good idea, once they are all wiped out equip the Orange Charred Ring and collect the items off of the two corpses surrounded by lava, the one on a small patch of land will be a Large Soul of a Proud Knight, the other will be the Chaos Flame Ember.
When you are ready, rest at a bonfire then go back to the path with the Chaos Bugs from before, you should now be able to find Solaire here (assuming you killed the correct bug) extremely depressed as he has failed to find his sun. When you are satisfied you have exhausted his dialogue go back to the room you fought the Centipede Demon in and head to the back left of the room to find a tunnel with a bonfire at the end, rest if you need to then press on and into the lava (make sure you have the ring on) and onto a tree root that rises above the lava, follow this through an opening to enter
Continue along the root and you will see amongst the lava a new enemy, these are Bounding Demons - they can be deadly and will not respawn once killed but it's best to leave them alone. Follow the tree root until it curves around a pillar and brings you to a Soul of a Brave Warrior then look through the lava to see another root rising out beside the next pillar and run over to it, follow this to the end and it should point you in the direction of a building, run over to it, picking up another Soul of a Brave Warrior along the way.
When you reach the building there should be one or two Demonic Statues to kill, then head around the left side where you will find an opening with a chest, open it up to get a Soul of a Great Hero. Head back out and around to your right where you should see another building across the lava, head in that direction but first walk onto a tree root on your right that leads to the upper area of the building you are aiming for to find Twin Humanities up top, backtrack down the root so you can approach the building. When you reach it walk around to the left hand side and attack the wall there to open a hidden doorway with a bonfire inside, rest here and kindle for maximum Estus use, it is also worth noting that if you become Human here you will be able to face and defeat the final spawning of Kirk of Thorns in the next area, do so if you wish then check your arrows stock, if you are running low, warp to Firelink Shrine and visit the Undead Merchant inside the aqueduct you would take to Undead Burg/The Depths and buy enough arrows (around 300 should do), if you need to also buy more Homeward Bones and use one to take you back to the bonfire you just found in Izalith. When you are all ready head outside, across from you will be a large, broken cylindrical stone structure, head through it and up a tree root inside to enter the ruins.
As you descend into the next area there will be a group of Demonic Statues, one will be hiding underneath the root you walked down on so watch your back. Continue through a covered area where around five or so more Demonic Statues wait for you, kill the lot and head out to find one more on its own, kill it and instead of heading up the stairs, go around the pillar beside them and pick up a Large Soul of a Brave Warrior.
Ascend the stairs now and at the top will be a new enemy, this is a Chaos Eater, they can be frustrating if they get the advantage, the best way to handle them I find is sprint in and attack to put them off guard and try circle them and finish them off from the back. Go into the room it was guarding and out to your right, head up the stairs in front of you to face the Daughter of Chaos, she will use some strong Pyromancy, just try to get around her and place your attacks well to take her down quickly, when defeated she will drop the Izalith Catalyst (Checklist Weapon 24/50). Once she is defeated Kirk should now spawn for the final time in the same area, nothing is different with him, just aim for a backstab or riposte for a quick kill, now that he is defeated, the next time you go to the Daughter of Chaos bonfire (Chaos Servants) you can find his armour - the Set of Thorns in the back of the room.
With those two dead follow the path (ignore the fog door for now) to another Chaos Eater, kill it and open the chest to receive the Chaos Fire Whip spell (Checklist Pyromancy 18/19), with that head back to where you entered this section and turn left, ignore the first tree root you immediately see and go beyond it to find another one and follow it down where it ends at a thin ledge. There will be a couple more Demonic Statues here so take care of them then follow the path around the structure to find a Soul of a Hero. Return to the root but instead of taking it back up, you should be able to see another corpse resting on a root hanging above the ground, aim carefully and drop down onto it to collect a Rare Ring of Sacrifice, this can be very tricky to get so if you miss the first time or two feel free to pass it up as it isn't an overly important item, either way head back up to where the tree root started and head down the first one this time.
When you reach the bottom there will be a large group of Demonic Statues floating around, kill the entire lot and then stand in the centre and look down a dark tunnel. Along the wall you will see a corpse with loot on it, do not head this way though as it will ruin an important part of the game for you. Instead head into the middle of the floor and it will give way, you will however land on solid ground. In front of you is a pit with four Chaos Eaters directly underneath, on the other side is your old friend Siegmyer of Catarina, if you had attempted to loot the corpse you would have fallen straight into the pit with the Chaos Eaters which you cause you to miss this important piece of Siegmyer's questline. From where you landed turn right and follow the path around to a tree root you can walk on and use it to make your way to Siegmyer. Before doing anything else, take out your bow (possibly equip the Hawk Ring for more power) and kill three of the four Chaos Eaters below you, try to take not of how many shots it takes and on the final Chaos Eater attack it until it has just a little health remaining. When that is all set up, speak to Siegmyer and he will proclaim that it is finally his turn to aide you, he will then jump into the pit and kill the remaining Chaos Eater and then go rest up against a pillar. Equip your Rusted Iron Ring and jump in after him, you will become immediately poisoned but you should be ok, on your right there will be a fifth Chaos Eater, if it attacks it's up to you if you want to let Siegmyer kill it himself or help him, he is able to kill it in one or two hits so he should be ok, but if he gets hit it could impact the result you are aiming for. If you do help him be very careful to avoid connecting an attack with him and causing him to become aggressive towards you. When you are all safe again speak with Siegmyer, if he managed to survive with over 50% of his health remaining he will simply speak to you then go back to sleep - this is what you want to happen, if however he has less than 50% he will end his own life and drop the Speckled Stoneplate Ring. After finishing with Siegmyer collect the Red Titanite Chunk pieces on the corpses here then head out where the fifth Chaos Eater waited and turn left then left again and finally take a right, you should see a chest at the end of the passage, inside will be the Red Titanite Slab.
Return now to where you fought the fifth Chaos Eater and this time head in the other direction then turn left to find the stairs out, at the top look for another tree root and follow it all the way out of the hole. If you are running low on Estus, I would suggest heading back to the bonfire as well as spending any spare souls you have as you may lose them in the next boss battle and recovering them can be very difficult, if you feel you are ready though, you can head back up and to the fog door where you will face the...
The Bed of Chaos is a very unique boss as it is unlike any other in Dark Souls, this boss is fought over three stages, each becoming more difficult as you make progress, another unique characteristic with this boss is that your progress will be saved should you die so if you destroy one or two roots they will still be destroyed the next time you enter the arena. To begin with you will see two orange orbs on either side of the boss, to begin with head over to the right side one, at the moment the only attack the boss will use is a slow swipe attack with its branches/arms, you should be able to easily block and absorb the it if you are using a shield with relatively high stability. Once you reach the orb enter and break down the roots and attack the large glowing yellow root in the centre, doing this will trigger a cut scene where a large flaming sickle-like tentacle will emerge from the boss. For the next stage you must now make your way across to the other side, be careful though as now the floor will begin to give way in specific areas and the enemy will now use a stabbing attack on top of its swipes, once you reach the other side you want to try and position yourself HERE in this position you will be out of reach of the Bed of Chaos' attacks, simply pull out your bow and aim in amongst the roots, with enough arrows you should hit your target which will trigger a second tentacle protruding from the boss.
For the final phase of this battle you need to head back to the centre of the room where you would have landed after sliding into the boss arena, be careful as the Bed now has two attacks in which the floor will be covered in flames, make sure you heal up when or after this happens as it can take quite a toll on your health. When you reach the centre you need to run towards the boss but do not do so recklessly as the floor in front of it will give out and crumble, on your right will be a piece of flooring that will stick out slightly further than the rest, walk off of the edge here and you will drop onto a tree root below, run up the root and into the heart of the boss through all the roots that block your way. At the centre you will find the Bed of Chaos' heart, just attack it once and the battle will be over.
You will receive 60,000 souls as well as a Lord Soul, you will also unlock
- Defeat Bed of Chaos
Defeat the Soul Lord Bed of Chaos.
2 guides
A bonfire will now appear in place of the Bed of Chaos' heart, use it to travel to Firelink Shrine.
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